Monday, November 2, 2009

Professional Photographer

Our friend, Gina Emerson took these photos while we were in Portland Oregon in September visiting family. We went to the Rose Gardens late in the day to take advantage of the soft light. These are just a few of the shots I "stole" from Gina's blog for your viewing pleasure. Thanks Gina!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More videos of Aelis Jewel

Here are a couple low resolution videos I took of Aelis in the past few weeks with my cell phone. In the first she is toddling around the back yard, in the second she is pushing a shopping cart at Target.

There is also a video of Aelis on Youtube wrestling with a playmate over a book, you can see that by clicking HERE:or copying and pasting this into your web browser-->

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Aelis!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Aelis at 6 Months

She is now sitting up!

Oregon Fan

Trip to Bellingham

I'm adding these photos a few months after the trip but better late than never! We went to Bellingham, Washington in January to visit the Washington/Miller clan. Aelis loved meeting her grandparents, aunts and uncles.

More Photos of Aelis at 5 Months

I took these in our backyard. Aelis was tired but still happy. :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Trip to Georgia

Recently, Aelis and I (Laura) traveled to Georgia to visit my grandmother, Leone Johnston. Aelis enjoyed meeting her great-grandma and Leone loved spending time with her newest great-granddaughter. I also did some digging into some old family photo albums and found photos of my grandparents as children and other relatives I never knew about. It gave me the desire to look into our geneology (with Aunt Shirley's help) and find out more about my family history. Overall, we had a good trip and Aelis did remarkably well.

Aelis at (almost) 5 months

Our little one is almost 5 months! She is rolling over, laughing (especially when daddy gives her kisses) and is drooling like crazy! No teeth yet but she gnaws on everything in sight.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

After the rains

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Innersting Wurds of Degration

I've started another Blog, one where I can list all of the funny words and sayings I've heard and will hear. Innersting instead of interesting and degration instead of degradation are two that led to the title of this new blog. Check it out, its funny, and I appreciate if ya'll submit anything you hear to me so I can add it to the blog.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jackie and Aelis

Aunt Shirley and Aelis

Uncle Dean and Aunt Shirley chillin' with their newest niece

Great Grandpa Bob and Aelis commiserate

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Uncle Joel and Aelis chatting it up

Uncle Joel visited us for a weekend in January and got to hang with Aelis quite a bit, here is one of their conversations, cracks me up every time.

This post is left blank for unintentional purposes.

Baby loves bath time

This little munchkin

loves to get

her bath on
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In case you haven't noticed, I have a fat happy baby. My little double chinned thunder thighed monster.

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Great Grandpa Bob and Great Grandma Jackie meeting Aelis for the first time in early January. Bob and Aelis are 96 years apart.

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